
Please respect the following netiquette when commenting:

  1. Never forget that there is a person sitting on the other side reading your comments. Imagine that person and consider whether what you have to write is really worth reading for them. Don’t write anything you can’t identify with.

  2. We accept that not everyone can be of our opinion. On the contrary, other opinions and discussion helps us to develop. We do not insult each other names and treat others and their opinions politely and respectfully. We distance ourselves from racist, sexist and discriminatory comments and will not release or delete them.

  3. We do not accept spam: Advertisements of third party services as well as constant repetitions in chats and comments will not be released and deleted.

  4. As an end consumer portal, we try to communicate topics and contexts in such a way that they can be understood by as many people as possible. After all, our goal is to bring people along with us in the changes. Therefore, we use as few technical terms as possible or explain them in the text or in the glossary. If you do not understand any text or if you want to tell us something about it, please do not hesitate to contact us.

  5. Use private information sparingly and do not publicly disclose private phone numbers, addresses, etc.

Thank you for following our netiquette! For questions – or if you notice a violation – please contact me at


Anja Herberth