Category - English

Automated control

By this we mean control processes that run without human intervention, i.e. automatically. What does this have to do with smart building technologies? By this we mean systems that learn from everyday life, automatically adapt and adjust their...

Autonomous power supply

The term self-sufficient power supply refers to independence from the power grid. The most sustainable and environmentally friendly option is (self-)supply through renewable energy sources, such as electricity generated by a photovoltaic system.

EET bietet auch Systeme mit flexiblen Solarpanele an.

Balcony power plant: solar power for everyone

Micro-voltaic systems are easy to install and easy on the wallet. This means that (almost) everyone can make a contribution to the energy transition. High electricity prices have given a powerful boost to alternative energy generation. So-called...

Smart home Anwendungen machen auch das Leben im Alter sicherer und einfacher.

AAL – Ambient Assisted Living

Ambient Assisted Living includes all projects, devices and services that support elderly people or people with special needs in their daily life. AAL / Assisted Living means, for example, barrier-free concepts and/or controlling the environment...

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“The consumer demands what he or she wants”

Günther Ohland is an expert and journalist for SmartHome, as well as a founding member of the SmartHome Initiative Germany. In our interview he addresses the social aspects of smart technologies and the development toward a customer market.

Entrepreneurial chances in the Emirates

Over the past 5 decades, the Emirates grew to become the fourth largest economy in the Middle East. As a desert state, the federation is dependent on products and know-how from abroad.

A house in people’s green: At any price?

A house in the countryside became the dream of many city slickers, especially in pandemic times. As a result, the costs for land, houses and restoration are also increasing massively. A comment by Anja Herberth.