Category - Comfort & Safety

Healthy in old age: Minimizing risks to ensure quality of life

Being able to live healthily and independently at home for as long as possible is not only the wish of many people. Places in care homes are scarce due to the shortage of skilled workers, so care will increasingly take place at home. Due to longer...

Care: What we can learn from Denmark

Denmark is often cited as a positive example how a care reform could look like. The country has initiated fundamental changes. What makes it different in terms of care - and what can we learn? Anja Herberth was on site.

Managing living at home despite mobility restrictions

Our society is ageing and there are not enough care places. Care will increasingly (have to) take place at home. What we should be aware of in order to be able to live within our own four walls despite mobility restrictions.

Humanoid robots

Rapid advances in artificial intelligence, robotics and manufacturing technologies are currently opening up a fascinating era of humanoid robotics. In the Asian region significant technological breakthroughs have recently been achieved that have the...