Category - English

Background: Rethinking security

The buildings of the future are intelligent, digitally networked and automated. But this also brings challenges and makes safety precautions necessary.

Save the Grüner Veltliner!

Artificial intelligence's ability to process large amounts of data, learn from patterns and make predictions opens up new opportunities - not only - in the energy transition.

Photovoltaics: More capacities needed

Photovoltaics is currently experiencing a massive boom. Nevertheless, the industry is facing major challenges, emphasizes Vera Immitzer, managing director of the Federal Association Photovoltaic Austria in an interview with SmartBuildingsCompass.

Legal aspects of renovation

When renovating buildings, there are numerous laws and regulations in Austria that must be observed. We provide an overview of them.

Background: Smart Regions

Smart City - this describes the quest to make our city even more livable with the help of technology.

Background: Jobs in Engineering & Technology

The challenges of the future will be solved with the help of technology. And that's what makes jobs in this area so innovative and exciting: as a result, we become an essential part of the energy transition and climate protection - as end consumers...

Background: Assisted Living

Assisted Living is lifestyle and comfort: This refers to concepts that make it possible to design living space in such a way that people can manage their everyday lives largely without outside help.

Misconceptions and reservations related to heat pumps

Heat pumps continue to gain popularity. Nevertheless, there are still many prejudices and myths in the minds of potential users. The Smart Buildings Compass clarifies and addresses the most important reservations.