Category - English

Wer in Wohnanlagen einen Ladepunkt installieren möchte, muss sich mit den Mitbewohnern arrangieren

Efficiently upgrade buildings

Soil sealing is increasingly becoming a problem. This exacerbates the housing shortage, which is why upgrading existing buildings is needed.

Digitale Transformation ändert die Gesellschaft


Transformation means fundamental change. It can be triggered by technical and economic opportunities as well as changing social needs. A transformation is not complete until the new system structures have become permanently established and...

Ökologisierung bedeutet vor allem Umweltschutz


Greening pursues the preservation and protection of bio-diversity and natural habitat. The term is derived from ecology, the science of interactions between living things and their environment.In politics, greening is understood to mean...

Chemie gehört zu den klassischen MINT-Fächer

STEM subjects

STEM subjects include the teaching and study of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. These are the classics and from which the abbreviation is formed. However, astronomy, geography, geology or nanosciences are also included.With...

Container sind ein wichtiges Teil der weltweiten Lieferketten.

Supply chain

The supply chain is a network of modes and means of transport that ensures the uninterrupted movement of goods from origin to destination. In a widely used definition, the supply chain is referred to as the network of organizations involved, through...

resourcen-und umweltschonend heißt verantwortundsvoller Umgang mit der Natur.

Resource and climate friendly

Resource and climate friendly refers to an efficient and responsible use of limited raw materials and goods. The aim is to keep the impact on the environment as low as possible.Acting in a resource-conserving manner means minimizing consumption and...

In Europa ist der Ressourcen

Resource consumption

Resource consumption is a measure of the input and use of goods and products that are further processed into higher value goods and services through beneficiation. Natural resources are raw materials, water, energy and fertile land. They form the...

Photovoltaik ist die günstigste alternative Energieform


Photovoltaics or photovoltaics is the direct conversion of light energy, usually from sunlight, into electrical energy by means of solar cells. The term “photo” comes from the Greek and means light, while “volt”, the unit of...