Category - Glossary D

Computer arbeiten mit dem binären System das alle nformationen nur als 0 und 1 darstellt.


The term digital comes from the Latin word “digitus” for finger. Technically, it means that information is represented only by a limited number of digits. A device is called digital if it can encode and decode signals and characters...

Die Digitaliserung bringt neue Chancen


In its original sense, digitization describes the conversion of analog information into digital data.   Digital formats can be processed much more flexibly and quickly than analog information. The term is now also used synonymously for the...

Dynamisch zu sein bedeutet sich zu verändern.


Dynamic has meant full of internal movement, rapid changes, evolving. When applied to the market, dynamic describes the rapid pace at which it is changing and evolving today. Ever shorter development and production cycles are having a massive impact...



Data represent numerical values and information obtained on the basis of measurements and observations. They are available in a machine-processable form. Data is considered to be valuable and brings many advantages for targeted control through...