Category - Glossary I


Just like the rectifier, the inverter is one of the power converters. An inverter converts the direct current generated in a photovoltaic system into alternating current or three-phase current. This is necessary in order to be able to utilize the...

Industrie 4.0 setzt auf Digitlaiserung und Vernetzung

Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 refers to the intelligent networking of machines and processes in industry with the help of information and communication technology. This results in a wealth of advantages for the industry: For example, production will become much more...

Informationen erhöhen das Wissen des Empfängers.


The term information has a whole range of definitions. In information theory, it is the knowledge that a sender conveys to a receiver through an information channel. It is therefore the additional knowledge that leads to a change in the...


Interdisciplinary refers to cooperation across the boundaries of different departments and disciplines. Cross-cutting collaboration is essential to the understanding process. This takes place across disciplinary boundaries and helps to jointly...

Investment subsidies

Investment subsidies are governmental, financial subsidies that serve to support investments - often in a certain sector/area.

Das Internet der Dinge ist allumfassend

Internet of Things (IoT for short)

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of devices connected to the Internet. These devices have sensors, collect data and exchange them with each other. They can communicate directly with other smart devices. With the help of artificial...