Category - smart regions

Lithium: The gold of the e-industry

The global energy system is in the midst of a transformation towards clean energy. This requires the use of new technologies based on raw materials such as copper, lithium, nickel, cobalt and rare earths. The EU has now secured Serbia's lithium...

Steel scrap: strategic resource could become scarce

Green steel production requires the increased processing of steel scrap - and according to a preliminary study by the Supply Chain Intelligence Institute Austria (ASCII), this could become a scarce commodity. The future viability of the steel...

Masdar City: Reality beats vision 1:0

The vision sounded promising: Masdar City was to become the Emirates' ecological showcase project. The first match reality vs. vision went 1:0 for reality.

Which engine technologies will prevail?

E-mobility, hydrogen, e-fuels: Which engine makes sense where - and why? What should consumers be prepared for? Science journalist Jens Schröder on useful applications and the interests of lobbying groups.