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Climate targets

Climate targets are objectives decided at national or EU level to reduce or even stop the effects of global warming. One of the best-known climate targets is the 1.5-degree target: According to the Paris Climate Agreement of 2015, in which the global community agreed to combat global warming, the global man-made temperature increase caused by the greenhouse effect is to be limited to a maximum of 1.5 degrees Celsius by the year 2100 compared to pre-industrial times. The mean value of the years 1850 to 1900 is used as the pre-industrial reference temperature.

However, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the 1.5 degree limit is likely to be exceeded in the years between 2030 and 2052, but probably as early as the early 2030s. The reason: The reduction of carbon dioxide emissions is proceeding too slowly.

Hope remains, however, because the 1.5-degree target is a long-term one. If greenhouse gas reductions can be decisively mitigated in the coming years, warming could stabilize. For this reason, the international community continues to work towards achieving the goal.

The EU, for example, has set itself the binding goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2050. It aims to reduce emissions by at least 55% by 2030. Worldwide, development, economic, financial, energy and transport policies should be geared to the goals of climate protection

And, of course, every citizen can contribute to the achievement of the goal. For example, by using solar energy or switching to an electric car.

Image: Shutterstock

Wolfgang Korne
Author: Wolfgang Korne

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