Category - Glossary R

resourcen-und umweltschonend heißt verantwortundsvoller Umgang mit der Natur.

Resource and climate friendly

Resource and climate friendly refers to an efficient and responsible use of limited raw materials and goods. The aim is to keep the impact on the environment as low as possible.Acting in a resource-conserving manner means minimizing consumption and...

In Europa ist der Ressourcen

Resource consumption

Resource consumption is a measure of the input and use of goods and products that are further processed into higher value goods and services through beneficiation. Natural resources are raw materials, water, energy and fertile land. They form the...

Drohnen erhalten ihre Befehle über eine Fernsteuerung.

Remote control

Remote control describes the possibility of targeted control or influence on devices machines or other equipment over a certain distance. The control signals can be transmitted mechanically, hydraulically, pneumatically, electrically or...

Die Windenergie gehört zu den bekanntesten erneuerbaren Energien.

Renewable energies / regenerative energies

Renewable or regenerative energy sources, unlike fossil energy sources, are virtually infinitely available. The best known are solar, wind, photovoltaic and hydropower. It also includes geothermal energy, ocean energy and ambient heat. The so-called...