Category - Glossary eng


Just like the rectifier, the inverter is one of the power converters. An inverter converts the direct current generated in a photovoltaic system into alternating current or three-phase current. This is necessary in order to be able to utilize the...

Fast alle Stromnetze arbeiten mit Wechselstrom.

Alternating current

Alternating current is the name for an electric current whose direction of flow changes in regular repetition. Positive and negative instantaneous values complement each other in such a way that the current is zero on time average. The English...

KNX-Systeme haben auch Stuerpanels


KNX is an industry standard for a bus system in home and building automation. This means that all devices use the same transmission method and can exchange data via a common bus line. KNX networks components of home and building system technology...

Das !,5 Grad Ziel dürfte nicht mehr erreichbar sein.

Climate targets

Climate targets are objectives decided at national or EU level to reduce or even stop the effects of global warming. One of the best-known climate targets is the 1.5-degree target: According to the Paris Climate Agreement of 2015, in which the...

CO2-Reduktion bedeutet Klimaschutz. Bild: Shutterstock

Climate Protection

Climate protection is part of environmental protection and an umbrella term for all measures and concepts to counteract the consequences of climate change.The increasing emission of greenhouse gases by humans, mainly due to increasing...

Klimapolitik geht alle an

Climate politics

Climate politics at global, national and European level deals with strategies and measures to protect the climate. The focus is on avoiding greenhouse gases and adapting to the consequences of climate change that can no longer be avoided. These...

Industrie 4.0 setzt auf Digitlaiserung und Vernetzung

Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 refers to the intelligent networking of machines and processes in industry with the help of information and communication technology. This results in a wealth of advantages for the industry: For example, production will become much more...

Informationen erhöhen das Wissen des Empfängers.


The term information has a whole range of definitions. In information theory, it is the knowledge that a sender conveys to a receiver through an information channel. It is therefore the additional knowledge that leads to a change in the...


Interdisciplinary refers to cooperation across the boundaries of different departments and disciplines. Cross-cutting collaboration is essential to the understanding process. This takes place across disciplinary boundaries and helps to jointly...