Smart bed pad provides support in home and nursing care
The smart bed pad made in Austria detects wetness and humidity as well as whether the patient is lying in bed.
Caregivers face many challenges in their daily lives. Two major issues in nursing care include skin damage (dicubitus) caused by prolonged lying on a moist surface, as well as getting out of bed and the associated risk of falls by the person being cared for. This particularly affects people who suffer from dementia, for example. Caregivers are faced with the risk of disoriented wandering and the associated risk of falls.
“Nearly three-quarters of those in need of long-term care receive care and support in their own homes. Care is often very demanding and means a high physical and psychological burden, especially the treatment for incontinent and demented persons is needed around the clock. Texible Wisbi is an intelligent bed pad that detects wetness and moisture and reports when the person being cared for leaves the bed. This supports and informs family caregivers or nursing staff when action is needed,” explains Kathrin Fröis from Austrian-based producer Texible.
Informed via app
The product is made of a thin, breathable cotton sensor textile with high lying comfort. The sensor cannot be felt. The pad is easy to handle in terms of construction. Depending on the care situation, further incontinence products can be dispensed, thus maintaining the feeling of independence.
In home-based care, family caregivers or the nursing staff is informed of a change in the status of the nursing bed via cell phone app and via WLAN. It is also adjustable that the bed can be left for 5-10 minutes without alarm. “In this case, the app only alerts if the person being cared for does not return to bed, for example, after going to the toilet, which may still be possible independently,” explains Fröis, “This is a great help in the care of disoriented persons and still gives the greatest possible self-determination.” The bed pad absorbs moisture with a water-impermeable membrane, this means it is not necessary to change the bed sheets every time. In care facilities, the Wisbi Sensor is coupled with the existing paging system. Nursing professionals can provide assistance on an as-needed basis.
„With the development of Texible Wisbi we have created a real added value: It combines different products, it is easy to use – for the persons to be cared for, but also for the caregivers,” explains Fröis. The company is already planning a further development: In the future, Wisbi will also be able to measure and document movements and their intensity.
About Texible Wisbi:
Texible WisbiHome is specially developed for home care, Texible Wisbi Plus specifically for inpatient care.
Current price (as of January 2022):
Texible Wisbi Home care set EUR 348.00 (gross price)
Texible Wisbi Plus care set EUR 478.80 (gross price)
Product details:
– Washable at 95° and thus sustainable and environmentally friendly
– Minimal sweating due to a multi-layer construction and a breathable, waterproof membrane
– Reduced maintenance due to alarm when wetness and bed escape are detected
– Very comfortable lying thanks to a double roughened cotton flannel
Please ask Kathrin Fröis about the nearest distributor in your area:
About Texible:
Texible is an Austrian-based start-up company in the field of smart textiles engineering that emerged in 2016 from a spin-off of the University of Innsbruck/Austria. The textile experts develop solutions for a wide range of sectors such as sports, safety, leisure, health and even construction.
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