
Smart electrical engineering: Why further training makes sense

Smart homes are no longer science fiction: Intelligent systems are already integrated into buildings, and their number is growing every year.

Im Interview: Mario Necker
Geschäftsführung E-Necker, zertifizierter KNX-Trainer & Elektrotechnik-Systemintegrator – Allgemein beeideter & gerichtlich zertifizierter Sachverständiger für Gebäudeautomation und Gebäudetechnik EIB\ KNX, zertifizierter EU-Sachverständiger für KNX/EIB Systeme, Präsident der KNX-Professionals Austria.

Smart electrical engineering: Why further training makes sense

Smart homes are no longer science fiction: Intelligent systems are already integrated into buildings, and their number is growing every year. In Austria, every 6th-7th new building is smart, in Germany already every second to third new building. With sales of 3.6 billion euros, Germany is the world’s third-largest market for smart home applications; in the USA, the market is already worth 17.4 billion euros (data: Smart Living Monitor 2018).

And the sector is growing rapidly: This means that there is no longer the question of whether electrical engineers need to deal with smart technology – it’s just a matter of time. The electrical engineer’s advice will shift more and more into smart technologies. So if you don’t want to lose touch with your customers, you should get in touch with smart building technology.

The basic requirement, in addition to a good basic education, is to continuously update your knowledge. After all, the market is developing dynamically and it’s necessary to keep overview: Which system is best for this customer? Which suppliers have released important updates, which special features do the products have? Does the customer need a KNX installation – or just a wireless control system?

Credits: Shutterstock

Training with great future opportunities

However, these enormous developments in the smart home market imply that further training makes sense. It’s a job with very good future prospects: Electricity is the basis for digitization and technological development. The advancing electrification of our lives will never leave a good electrician unemployed.

Smart electricians are an important part of digitalization. I like the variety my job offers me. Given the challenges we face, the market needs young and dynamic talents. Because the challenges of our time are being solved with the help of technology. And being a part of that development is great fun.

Anja Herberth
Author: Anja Herberth

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