Chemie gehört zu den klassischen MINT-Fächer

STEM subjects

STEM subjects include the teaching and study of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. These are the classics and from which the abbreviation is formed. However, astronomy, geography, geology or nanosciences are also included.

With increasing technology orientation, the demand and importance of STEM competencies is growing in the labor market, as well as in education. While the STEM job market is booming, the shortage of skilled workers is on the rise. Technical jobs don’t seem attractive enough.

Support programs therefore focus primarily on STEM subjects and here specifically on women. This is because the proportion of women in STEM subjects is particularly low. Despite quite a few efforts, it seems difficult to get female students interested in STEM subjects. The origin of this is still seen in education and schooling.

Why is STEM so important?

A STEM education allows students to form their own opinions about current technical and scientific issues. The better educated a society is in STEM, the lower the risks for naïve faith in science and technology or for its uninformed and unreflective rejection. such as those of vaccination opponents during the Covid19 pandemic. Sufficiently qualified personnel are also of essential importance for the economic and social development of a country.

What careers are there in the STEM field?

The career field of STEM subjects is very broad. An exemplary selection:

  • Mathematical-technical software developer.
  • Business Mathematician.
  • IT Specialist.
  • Management Assistant for Digitization Management.
  • IT Systems Electronics Technician.
  • Technical Product Designer.
  • Chemistry lab technician.
  • Biology Lab Technician.

Wolfgang Korne
Author: Wolfgang Korne

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