Digitale Transformation ändert die Gesellschaft


Transformation means fundamental change. It can be triggered by technical and economic opportunities as well as changing social needs. A transformation is not complete until the new system structures have become permanently established and stabilized.

By transformation, different sciences understand very different things. While in electrical engineering it is understood as “the transformation of current”, in geology it means the “process of reshaping soil”.

From a social perspective, this term is used to describe abrupt changes in political, economic or technological development. Current examples are the digital transformation and the energy transition. Digital transformation means integrating digital technologies and solutions into all areas of a company. The cornerstone for this is digitization. The change is not only technological, but also cultural in nature.

Energy transition refers to the change from non-sustainable, fossil energy sources such as oil, natural gas and coal as well as nuclear energy to a sustainable energy supply using renewable energies from wind, water and sun. The energy transition is also accompanied by radical cultural changes, such as a rethink in consumption or even in transport technology.

Image: geralt via Piaxabay

Wolfgang Korne
Author: Wolfgang Korne

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