Category - English

Smart Buildings Compass

The Smart Buildings Compass is a guide that leads you through the jungle of smart building products, solutions and services. Building technologies focus on people: They offer us a wide range of options for shaping our lives individually, with...

Smarte Gebäudes


Smart (or intelligent) is the name given to systems that can process digital data, derive information from it and forward it to connected systems for further use. In terms of building technologies, this is understood to mean learning systems that...

Smart home zentrale von Bosch

Smart Home control center

The smart home control center is the heart of a smart home – it’s where all the information comes together. It controls the intelligent systems that are networked with it and issues commands to them so that a wide variety of work and...


Also called detectors, sensors measure certain conditions (e.g. temperatures) and forward them to the information center connected to it (e.g. smart home center). There, this information is processed and commands based on it (e.g. control of the...

Spracherstuerung von Amazon: der Echo Dot

Voice control

Voice control is the transmission of commands to technical devices by voice. Examples include voice assistants such as Siri or Alexa, which can already be used with a wide range of devices. Voice control is playing an increasingly important role...

Typisches System: das Sonnensystem


A system is understood to be an ordered totality of tangible or intangible objects that are interconnected and interact with each other. Systems have certain properties and characteristics. Depending on the area, the term is understood very...

Batterien und Akkus sind die bekanntesten Quellen für Gleichstrom

Direct current

Direct current (abbreviated DC), refers to an electrical charge flow in which the charge carriers flow exclusively in one direction. The so-called technical current direction is based on charge carriers flowing from the positive pole to the negative...

Braunkohle gilt als schmutziger fossiler Energieträger

Fossil energy sources

Fossil fuels include crude oil, natural gas, hard coal and lignite. These energy sources were formed many millions of years ago from dead plants and animals and today often lie deep beneath the earth’s surface. To obtain energy from them, the...

Drohnen erhalten ihre Befehle über eine Fernsteuerung.

Remote control

Remote control describes the possibility of targeted control or influence on devices machines or other equipment over a certain distance. The control signals can be transmitted mechanically, hydraulically, pneumatically, electrically or...


Electrification is generally referred to as the provision of infrastructure in the form of power grids to supply a region or country with electrical energy. As a key feature, large-scale electrification enables spatial separation between the energy...