Public awareness of climate change has triggered a general trend toward renewable energy. Photovoltaics became an important source of energy.
Controlled residential ventilation is more than just a current trend: it prevents mold growth, improves the indoor climate and saves energy. Heat recovery is gaining attention in light of expensive energy.
The use of sustainable materials and innovative technologies can transform existing buildings into modern, energy-efficient and livable spaces.
Mini PV systems are a practical way to use renewable energy and reduce electricity bills at the same time. The installation of so-called balcony power plants in Austria depends on local conditions.
Photovoltaics is currently experiencing a massive boom. Nevertheless, the industry is facing major challenges, emphasizes Vera Immitzer, managing director of the Federal Association Photovoltaic Austria in an interview with SmartBuildingsCompass.
When renovating buildings, there are numerous laws and regulations in Austria that must be observed. We provide an overview of them.
Heat pumps continue to gain popularity. Nevertheless, there are still many prejudices and myths in the minds of potential users. The Smart Buildings Compass clarifies and addresses the most important reservations.
Soil sealing is increasingly becoming a problem. This exacerbates the housing shortage, which is why upgrading existing buildings is needed.
Energy communities produce, store and trade electricity. They make consumers more independent and help to make optimal use of alternative energies.
Micro-voltaic systems are easy to install and easy on the wallet. This means that (almost) everyone can make a contribution to the energy transition. High electricity prices have given a powerful boost to alternative energy generation. So-called...